Recent or forthcoming publications

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Battmann, W. (in press). The corporate environment as a source of stress: Effects on decision making and well being of executives. In R. Roe & T. Gaillard (Eds.), Work and stress in a changing ecology (pp. 000-000). London: Francis & Taylor. [empirical article with two studies, due 08.98] <download>

Schönpflug, W., & Battmann, W. (in press). Self-generated stress: Costs and benefits of coping. In C.D. Spielberger, J. Strelau, & Z. Kulscar, (Eds.), Stress and Emotion (pp. 000-000). Washington: Hemisphere [empirical article, overdue].

Battmann, W., & Kapelinski, M. (submitted). Der Einfluß emotionaler Werbung auf Aktivierung und Produktbewertung: Eine experimentelle Überprüfung. Manuskript Freie Universität Berlin. [empirical article] <download>

Battmann, W. (in progress). Quasi-rationales Management [Quasi-rational management]. Manuskript Freie Universität Berlin. [book project]

Battmann, W., & Lauche, K. (in work). Management by ISO-9000. Effects on workers and work places in a German assembly plant. Manuskript Freie Universität Berlin.

Battmann, W., & Broszat, L. (in work). A three dimensional theory of trust and leadership in organizations: Model and data. Manuskript Freie Universität Berlin.

© since 1997 by Wolfgang Battmann