Life seems to vary between
(fairly often)
Overall, watching the world
my answers to your questions are:
? illness ? Berlin, Sydney, San Francisco ?
peace of mind ? misinterpretations ? Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry
Finn ? Churchill ? Jean d'Arc ? Jean d'Arc ? Chagall, Miro ?
Mozart, Bruckner ? Integrity ? Integrity, beauty ? Integrity ?
diving ? myself, but more relaxed ? curiosity ? loyalty ?
curiosity ? a night at the sea listening to the waves and
watching the sky ? illness ? wise ? blue ? wild field flowers ?
eagle ? Irving ? Rilke ? peasants in the 3. world ? Tecumseh ?
Anna, David ? cruelty ? crusaders (of all kinds) ? Warsaw ghetto
uprising ? democracy ? ability to fly ? instantous ? melancholic
optimism ? principii obstant
... some books I like
© since 1997 by Wolfgang Battmann