Curriculum vita

Name: Wolfgang Battmann
Date of birth: 1956 in Essen (Germany)

1963 entering school in Geismar (Göttingen)
1963-1966 Public school in Göttingen und Hannover
1966-1975 Highschool in Hannover, Itzehoe und Fulda
May 1975 Abitur

October 75 Immatriculation at the University Zürich (Switzerland)
1975 Major in Ethnology
1976 Major in Psychology
1977 Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster
1978 Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Free University Berlin (West)

1977 smaller Electronics Company
1979 Institute of Psychology

1979 Pre-examination/Vor-Diplom
1982 Main-examination/Haupt-Diplom
1988 Doctoral degree at the Department of Psychology, Free University Berlin (West)

2000 Habilitation at the Free University Berlin 


University Positions
1979 - 1981 Student researcher in the research project"Psychological effects of long-term exposure to traffic noise" (Project chair: Prof. Dr. W. Schönpflug, research ass.: Dr. P. Schulz)
1982 - 1984 Research assistent in the research project "Individual noise reduction" (Project chair: Prof. Dr. W. Schönpflug)
1985 -1989 Wiss. Mitarbeiter (Ass. prof.) in the workgroup "General Psychology und Psychophysiology" at the at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Free University Berlin (West).
1990-1996 Wiss. Assistent (Ass. prof.) in the workgroup "Work and Organizational Psychology" at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Free University Berlin (West).
1996-1998 heading the scientific evaluation of the program "University Management", a joint effort of the universities of the states of Berlin and Brandenburg

since 2000 Privatdozent (assoc. prof.) at the Freie Universität Berlin


1989-2000 Partner of Nickel & Partner Management- and Personalberatung Berlin. 

since 2001 Associate consultant with Humanfactors International


© since 1997 by Wolfgang Battmann