Batman is not
only a small town near the lake Van in Turkey, but, of course,
the name of one of the most popular men (!?) known to have saved
many people (see below) if not the entire world, and all this
repeatedly. Tragically, Batman has been reduced to a comic-strip
figure by publishers and some of the movies about him lack
respect and insight.
Several websites try to carry Batmans values and spirit into eternity in a professional manner which I can, unfortunately, not match. Most of your questions will be answered on the The Bat Page and a comprehensive site worth visiting is Links to Batman on the Web. Batman-superman is a site covering new TV and movie releases abour our hero.
As a real fan you may want to subscribe to the
which reports monthly about the most famous citizen of the town.
For my feeling, Batmans noble character is best catched in this picture...
© since 1997 by Wolfgang Battmann (updated: 10-Aug-2005).